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Are you new to R? 

How about Rstudio?

you came to the right place.

R in short is a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics. It is one of the most commonly used programming languages used in data mining and compiles and runs on a wide variety of UNIX platforms, Windows and MacOS.

The first step is to download R for windows(there are also options for UNIX, Windows, and MacOS );

Go to R for Windows and download the latest version of R and get on with the installation.

R after installation

RStudio is also a free, open-source IDE (integrated development environment) for R. (It can only be installed after installing R.) Its interface is organized so that the user can clearly view graphs, data tables, R code, and output all at the same time. It also offers an Import-Wizard-like feature that allows users to import CSV, Excel, SAS (*.sas7bdat), SPSS (*.sav), and Stata (*.dta) files into R without having to write the code to do so.

To download Rstudio desktop for windows;

Go to Download Rstudio Desktop and download the latest version. Its ready for use as soon as the installation is completed.

Why R is important for Data Science?

R language is Open Source
R language is an all-in-one package of a Statistical Analysis toolkit
R has excellent charting benefits
R language has a robust and vibrant online community
R language has a powerful package ecosystem
R is being used in almost every industry
R enjoys a vast Community Support
R can be used to develop amazing Web-Apps

If you are in need of creating an eye-catching graph or want to secure a well-paying job in 21 st century-‘Data Scientist’, or looking for a way to run your analysis or desire to pick a skill that gives you an added advantage, you should be taking the necessary steps towards mastering “Data Science with R Language”.

Good Luck 


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