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Attacking structures are tactical structures formed by a team's attacking shape, off the ball movement and on the ball movement. Football is such a diverse sport with numerous tactics, unique scenarios, and systems of playing.

Maintenance     Build Up     Sustained Threat

Fast Tempo     Direct Play    Counter Attack

Crossing    High Press

Direct Play

The direct play approach uses an intensive pressing down with players and looking to score quickly after capturing the ball from their opponent. In essence, the direct play style is an attempt at moving the ball into a shooting position as quickly, and directly, as possible with the least number of passes. This style involves trying to get the ball forward as quickly as possible, often using long passes or direct dribbling. The aim is to get the ball into the opposition's penalty area as quickly as possible and create scoring chances.


An attack that features at least one cross – a pass from the shaded area with the intention of scoring a  goal. This style involves trying to create scoring chances by getting the ball wide and delivering crosses into the penalty area. Teams that employ this style will often try to get their wingers or fullbacks into advanced positions and deliver balls into the box for their forwards to attack.

High Press

The high press is a tactic that involves a team aggressively pressing and closing down the opposition in their own half of the field in an attempt to win the ball back. The aim of the high press is to disrupt the opposition's ability to build up play and create scoring chances by applying pressure on the ball and forcing mistakes.
Teams that employ the high press will often try to force the opposition to play the ball long or into areas where they can win it back. The high press requires a high level of fitness and intensity from the team, as it involves constantly pressing and chasing the ball.
The high press has become increasingly popular in modern football, with many teams looking to press high up the field in an attempt to win the ball back in advanced positions. The tactic can be effective in disrupting the opposition's buildup play and creating scoring chances, but it can also leave a team vulnerable to counter-attacks if they are unable to win the ball back or if they are not properly organized defensively.

Counter Attack

This style involves looking to catch the opposition off guard by quickly transitioning from defense to attack. Teams that employ this style will often look to exploit gaps in the opposition's defense by releasing players on the break.
A possession qualifies as a counterattack with two criteria:
The possession starts in Zone x and reaches Zone y.
The ball reaches Zone B within 5-12  seconds, moving at a speed of at least 7  m/s.

Fast Tempo

A possession can be at a fast tempo if either the ball or the  player with the ball moves quickly:

          Players involved in the move will hold the ball for 2 seconds or less.

          Players with possession move at high speed (+4m/s)

A fast tempo attack in football refers to an attacking style that involves trying to play at a high speed and tempo in order to create scoring chances. Teams that employ this style will often try to keep the ball moving quickly and look to exploit gaps in the opposition's defense with quick passing and movement.
Playing with a fast tempo can be an effective way to put pressure on the opposition and create scoring opportunities, but it also requires a high level of fitness and coordination from the team. Players need to be able to keep up with the pace of the game and make quick decisions in order to execute a fast tempo attack effectively.
Teams that employ a fast tempo attack will often look to create overloads in certain areas of the field in order to create space and opportunities for players to get in behind the defense. They may also look to use quick transitions from defense to attack in order to catch the opposition off guard and create scoring chances.

Maintenance - Build Up - Sustained Threat

These three playing styles show where a team keeps possession for an extended period of time.


According to STATS data, Arsenal had the most 'Fast Tempo' possessions in the Premier League last season (i.e. they played twice as quickly as the top-flight average).

STATS has a detailed explanation supported by video examples.

No single attacking style is inherently better than the others, and the best approach will depend on the strengths of the team and the tactics of the opposition.


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