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Investment Tendency Statistics Report: Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey.

Despite facing challenges from the COVID-19 pandemic, the Turkish economy has demonstrated remarkable resilience over the past year, as reported in the latest "Investment Tendency Statistics" report by the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey.

In 2020, the Turkish economy contracted by 1.8%, significantly less than the anticipated deeper recession. The report attributes this to the robust performance of the agricultural and industrial sectors, which compensated for the reduction in services.
Furthermore, the Turkish government and Central Bank implemented policies to support the economy during the pandemic, such as fiscal aid in the form of cash transfers and tax deferrals, as well as monetary policies to facilitate liquidity and credit growth.

Thanks to these measures, the report reveals that the Turkish economy has commenced its recovery, with GDP growth reaching 1.8% in the fourth quarter of 2020. The report projects that the Turkish economy will expand by 5.8% in 2021, buoyed by a rebound in domestic demand and the global economic recovery.

Nevertheless, the report also highlights some challenges that could impede this progress, including mounting inflationary pressures, the susceptibility of the tourism sector, and geopolitical risks in the region.
To address these challenges, the report advises that the Turkish government and Central Bank continue to implement policies that foster growth and stability, while also pursuing structural reforms to address fundamental weaknesses in the economy.

Overall, the "Investment Tendency Statistics" report presents an optimistic outlook for the Turkish economy, highlighting its resilience in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic and the potential for robust growth in the coming year. However, policymakers must stay watchful and proactive in managing the difficulties that may hinder this growth.



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